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Sustainability, Environment, and Energy Policy

The concentration in Sustainability, Environment, and Energy Policy allows students to pursue an understanding of policy with regard to natural resources. Classes concentrate on government policy at different levels, corporate policies, and environmentalist views of corporate and government policy. These diverse viewpoints allow students to develop a 360-degree view of the issues.

Affiliated Faculty

Political Science
Public Policy
Graduate School of Business - Faculty, Woods Institute
Management Science and Engineering
Law School
Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
Management Science and Engineering, Energy Science & Engineering
Economics, Program on Energy and Sustainable Developmen


Below is a list of suggested courses. The list includes classes that students have taken in the past to complete this particular concentration, as well as additional classes that may be considered toward this topic. Students may choose to take other courses, though all concentration courses must be discussed with and approved by the faculty adviser whether or not they are on the suggested list. Students may also propose directed reading, Overseas Studies (BOSP), and Bing Stanford in Washington (BSIW) courses.

Students may also want to review courses listed in the graduate Sustainability, Environment, and Energy Policy Concentration.