Undergraduate Concentrations
Public Policy majors are required to complete a concentration, consisting of 15 units of coursework, in a field of applied policy analysis or advanced analytical skills.
This post-core coursework must be coherent, either in the sense that the courses offer complementary perspectives on common policy issues or in the sense that the courses build on each other sequentially. Also, the coursework should apply skills acquired in one or more of the program’s core courses. Concentration coursework should, as a rule, consist of upper‐division (100‐level) courses and must be taken for a letter grade. Students may design their own concentration coursework with the help of their faculty advisers.
Students must submit a concentration form, to be approved by a faculty advisor and the program director, before the end of Spring Quarter of the junior year listing their proposed concentration courses and a brief explanation of how these courses fulfill the concentration.
In addition to the concentrations below, students have the option of designing their own concentration should none of the listed concentration topics fit their interests. Clicking on the concentrations below will bring up a list courses that have been approved in the past for the relevant concentration. Students may choose to take courses not listed, including directed readings, Bing Overseas Studies courses, and Bing Stanford in Washington courses. All concentration courses must be discussed with and approved by the faculty advisor and program director whether or not they are on the suggested list.

Maria Oswalt