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Education Policy

The educational experiences of young people are shaped by education and social policy decisions made at the national, state, local, and school-building levels. Moreover, these policy choices impact not only the educational opportunities available to young people, but also the distribution of cognitive and other skills in the labor force. A thorough understanding of current education policy debates and their consequences requires knowledge of the structure and history of the education system, the politics of education policy-making, the relationships among educational systems and other social policies, the distribution of resources—including teachers—within an educational system, and methods of policy analysis and evaluation. The concentration in education policy prepares students to participate both in the analysis of education policy and in broader political debates about the aims and structure of the educational systems. Students completing this concentration have employment opportunities with local, state, federal, and international education agencies and organizations. 


Core courses and electives will be selected from the list below as appropriate for the goals of individual students.  All MPP students in the concentration will take two gateway courses in Education Policy; two courses in Foundations of Education; and one course in Organizational Studies and Education; and at least two additional elective courses.  Coterm students will take one gateway course and enough foundation or organizational elective courses to satisfy the unit requirements.  Note that this is not an exhaustive list; students may select other courses for their concentration with the approval of their faculty advisor and Program Director. 

Affiliated Faculty

Graduate School of Education
Graduate School of Education
Graduate School of Education
Hoover Institution
Law School
Graduate School of Education
Graduate School of Education
Political Science
Graduate School of Education

Gateway Courses

Foundations of Education Electives

Organizational Studies and Education Electives