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Discrimination, Crime, and Poverty Policy

Discrimination, crime, and poverty are three major societal ills that federal, state, and local governments have sought to ameliorate through social and economic policies. This concentration investigates economic and social theories that illuminate the causes and persistence of these ills; the course work also assists students to examine and evaluate existing and potential public policies in this field.

Affiliated Faculty

Law School, Political Science
Political Science


Below is a list of suggested courses. The list includes classes that students have taken in the past to complete this particular concentration, as well as additional classes that may be considered toward this topic. Students may choose to take other courses, though all concentration courses must be discussed with and approved by the faculty adviser whether or not they are on the suggested list. Students may also propose directed reading, Overseas Studies (BOSP), and Bing Stanford in Washington (BSIW) courses.

Courses List
AFRICAAM 112: Urban Education (CSRE 112X, EDUC 112, EDUC 212, SOC 129X, SOC 229X, URBANST 115)
AFRICAAM 355: Black Feminism and Anti-Carceral Resistance (COMPLIT 255, FEMGEN 255A)
AMSTUD 201: History of Education in the United States (EDUC 201, HISTORY 258B)
CSRE 123: Beyond Incarceration: Imagining a World Without Prisons
CSRE 177E: Well-Being in Immigrant Children & Youth: A Service Learning Course (CHILATST 177A, EDUC 177A, HUMBIO 29A)
CSRE 179A: Crime and Punishment in America (AFRICAAM 179A, AMSTUD 179A, SOC 179A, SOC 279A)
ECON 106: World Food Economy (EARTHSYS 106, EARTHSYS 206, ECON 206, ESS 106, ESS 206)
ECON 118: Development Economics
ECON 291: Social and Economic Networks
EDUC 103B: Race, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices (AFRICAAM 106, CSRE 103B, EDUC 337)
EDUC 181: Diversity and Equity Issues in Higher Education (CSRE 181, EDUC 381)
EDUC 197: Gender and Education in Global and Comparative Perspectives (FEMGEN 297, SOC 134)
ETHICSOC 136R: Introduction to Global Justice (INTNLREL 136R, PHIL 76, POLISCI 136R, POLISCI 336)
FEMGEN 101: Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (AMSTUD 107, CSRE 108, TAPS 108)
HISTORY 161: The Politics of Sex: Gender, Race, and Sex in Modern America (AMSTUD 161, CSRE 162, FEMGEN 61, FEMGEN 161, HISTORY 61)
HISTORY 255D: Racial Identity in the American Imagination (HISTORY 355D)
INTNLREL 142: Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs Advancing Democracy, Development and Justice (AFRICAST 142, AFRICAST 242, CSRE 142C, URBANST 135)
PUBLPOL 121L: Racial-Ethnic Politics in US (CSRE 121L, POLISCI 121L)
SIW 107: Civil Rights Law
SOC 118: Social Movements and Collective Action (SOC 218)
SOC 142: Sociology of Gender (FEMGEN 142, FEMGEN 242, SOC 242)
URBANST 131: VIP: Very Impactful People - Social Innovation & the Social Entrepreneur
URBANST 132: Concepts and Analytic Skills for the Social Sector (EARTHSYS 137)
URBANST 133: Social Enterprise Workshop (EARTHSYS 133)